antiracist futures

convergent futures

In the complex work toward racially just futures, design foresight methods can align people toward action by defining long-term, visions about the better worlds they hope to achieve. However, many of the methods favor Western, Eurocentric views and perpetuate existing systemic problems. Working with a team of designers, I build and facilitate workshops, materials, tool for non-designers with approaches that acknowledge history and clarify whose present is centered and cared for.


speculative futures

family tree

Juniper trees can live to be 350-700 years old. The human time frame is much shorter than that of a tree, but the stories we tell can live forever.

Family Tree explores new ways of passing stories down through generations by prototyping a conversational interface that blurs the boundary between nature and technology. By storing the memories of the family in a tree that grows as the family does, the tree becomes deeply integrated into a family and part of their natural life over long time periods.

read the chi 2022 paper → (soon)


experiential futures


As part of Stuart Candy's experiential futures course, our team created an "artifact from the future,"  a 2032 Year-in-Review Report from the "policy arm of Wikimedia." Our work was displayed as part of of the Technology Futures report for during the Global Technology Governance Summit hosted by the World Economic Forum. We used futuring methods to present an alternative vision for AI systems. Using design to to engage with the longer term, not just as critique but as hope. 


regen global eco villages

This project uses an Ethnographic Experiential Futures approach to surface images of the future currently held by a person (or group). It extrapolates on the current image to help bring a part of that future to life. I created an EXF exploring the tension between “Green Living” & Tech Elitism. As the wealth gap grows only the wealthy can travel from place to place in a guarded system for tech elite building communities of “chosen family.”


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Designed by Rachel Arredondo