Our current senses —sight, touch, smell, hearing, taste— give us a rich portrait of the world. But in the classic paradox, what if we could use the technology around us to sense more? Would we be able to access a richer, portrait of the world around, making the invisible bonds that bring us together or drive us apart a part of our felt sensory experience...

This is a big question, and the best way to attack any big question, is to start small. So I am starting with the humble Arduino Uno.


Blink is the "Hello World" of learning to build with Arduino. I initially struggled some with this task. Im admittedly a little unfamiliar with wiring. Since my breadboard was a little different than the tutorial, it took a little bit of figuring out how to adapt it for a mini-breadboard, but I think this helped me learn a lot about that basics so in the end I am grateful.

Piezzo Buzzer

The circuits on this tutorial were much simpler than the last project. After completing the initial tone, I want to find a way to play music from Legend of Zelda on the buzzer. I searched a few examples, and found one for Song of Hyrule. However I was unable to use this code since I do not know how to set up a library in Arduino, so I settled on a different tune because I know I could make it work.


After watching this tutorial a few times, I was able to draw out a rough circuit diagram on a post-it note of how to adapt it to my mini breadboard and two prong button. I was able to get it working on the first try thanks to my diagram. In the future, I think I will try and draw rough diagrams of what I think is happening within a tutorial to make sure I am following along.


After watching this tutorial a few times, I was able to draw out a rough circuit diagram on a post-it note of how to adapt it to my mini breadboard and two prong button. I was able to get it working on the first try thanks to my diagram. In the future, I think I will try and draw rough diagrams of what I think is happening within a tutorial to make sure I am following along.

This work is being completed as part of my graduate studies in HCI for HyperSense: augmenting the human experience taught by Dina El-Zanfaly.