September 25, 2020

Being outside the dominion of Time

Temporality is perhaps the most fundamental constituent of human cognition. Thus, any modification in temporality is of significant cognitive import, empirical as well as theoretical.

It is an unseen sense that undercuts all that we experience but it is never the same for anyone. 7.5 Billion lives. 7.5 Billion times.

When you are young, time is longer because your scale is shorter. You can reinvent yourself over and over because time is endless. This endless time extends forever but only in one direction. There is no space for the circular, time travel of nostalgia.

All experience is an exploration of the unknown. But as you gather more years, the years become shorter and your empirical perception of them shorter. You construct and live in your known world. Your scale shifts with each day that passes but you can go back in time, and forward in time. You have a model of what was once and what can be always present within.

September 7, 2020

Using the Analysis-Synthesis Bridge Model

“… It enables designers to develop larger and more complex systems and make the process of working with larger more complex…”

If the core of the model is Abstract / Thematic | Real/ Concrete and Analysis / Research | Synthesis / Prototyping, you could frame any problem or method in this context. You could place any decision from thought to production in this format. I.e, I am thinking about making Mac and Cheese — Looking for a recipe, considering my previous preferences, understanding new things I might wanna try, blending the two to make my final decision that is enacted in the real world.

This is still at the core an abstract mental model, and not a defined process in the real world. But at the least it helps generate a path that you can then construct more defined processes along.

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