In this chapter, Bauman displays a comprehensive knowledge of mechanical and UI controls, their affordances, interactions, and constraints. His deep familiarity with the application of these controls means that he understands what is lost when we depend too much on a single type of control (keys).

We can see the affects of the lack of control diversity in many of the tools we use today. At one end of the spectrum there are the UI interfaces with clunky and unwieldy UI with Menus nested in Menus nested in Menus. Surely there is a better way to access than going 5 “key” clicks deep into a menu. And at the other end there is the minimalism design trend often sinks controls, making it hard for users to find and interact with the controls they need. Either system depends on controls that provide limited “feedforward” affordances.

How can we introduce new control paradigms (tactile, audio feedback) to match the technology being developed so that they do not tax our attentional and cognitive systems?